Gillian Schriever


Currently my career focus is on applying data-driven responses to public health issues. My other interests include programming, chemistry, nutrition, finance, cryptocurrency, kiteboarding, and distance running.

For any inquiries please reach out via email. A link to my resume is below.

Email  /  Resume  /  GitHub  /  LinkedIn

profile photo
Current Motivation

I'm interested in applying advanced analytical methods and data management best practices to improve healthcare. Whether it’s enhanced data sharing, personalized treatment, optimized resource allocation, or better policy, I enjoy working with data to drive better health outcomes.

hei Health Equity Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Toolkit
executive summary / toolkit

Assisted in the development of the public-facing Health Equity Toolkit as part of a CDC Research Pilot.

cdc_foundation CDC Foundation's COVID-19 Prevention Strategies in K-12 Schools

Report focused on monitoring the effective of COVID-19 response.

NCAA NCAA Woman of the Year Finalist List

NCAA 2019 Woman of the Year Top 30 Finalist.

swerve Kiting on LBI 2024-07-31
closeup and a jump

Fun day of kiting on Long Beach Island in New Jersey.